Jerry Witts, a former fast jet pilot in the RAF, was diagnosed with CBD in February 2015, having experienced a growing list of symptoms for the previous five years.
He lives with his wife Liz in Kent and recently decided to enrol in a London brain imaging study being co-ordinated by Dr Flavia Niccolini.
“I am keen to help anyone else who might have this disease, and also my wife told me to take part!” explained Jerry. “Jerry had already taken part in PSPA’s Research Network study” added Liz. “I mentioned to Prof Morris (Research Network Chief Investigator) that we were keen to do more and we also registered our interest in research participation with the PSPA. One day, an email from Dr Niccolini arrived asking if Jerry wanted to join her study so we jumped at the chance.”
“The enrolment process was completed really quickly by email,” said Jerry. “When we arrived at the hospital for my first appointment everyone was really approachable and helpful, despite the fact that the traffic had made us late! The research centre is brand new and we could park right outside. The researcher was very friendly and asked me some questions on my own and with Liz before I had my scan with a very personable radiographer. There was a bit of a wait before the scan, but I had a private room and a nurse.” Liz added: “I kept him supplied with cake, sandwiches and chocolate too!”
Unfortunately, Jerry had to withdraw from the project after this appointment as he couldn’t hold his head in the correct position for the scan. However, the couple is still very supportive of research.
“I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend this to anyone else,” said Jerry. “It offers hope. It was disappointing not to be able to continue but we fully understand why, and we have asked if they can keep in touch with us about the rest of the project.”