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PSPA Newly Diagnosed Support Group

Why not join our Newly Diagnosed Support Group.

In six sessions we will have helped you to take the first steps to making sense of your diagnosis. We will empower you to start living well with PSP & CBD by providing you with the information and support you need.

The programme is for you if:

  • You have received a diagnosis within the last six months.
  • You don’t know what information and support is available to you.
  • You would like to hear from a range of health professionals supporting people with PSP & CBD.
  • You feel ready to meet other people who have also been recently diagnosed with PSP & CBD.

You will be able to ask questions, share experiences and connect with people who are at a similar stage in their PSP or CBD journey.

Hosted on the last Wednesday of the month by one of our PSPA Helpline Care Navigators, the sessions last an hour.

Group 7

  • 28 February – ‘Getting to know you’
  • 27 March – Chloe Cripps – Speech and Language Therapist
  • 24 April – Kym, CEO of Rare Minds – Dealing with Diagnosis: making time for you and your feelings
  • 29 May – Dr Vicky Marshall – Neurologist
  • 26 June – Megan Hodgson – PSPA Research Manager
  • 31 July – PSPA Services

Group 8

  • 28 August – ‘Getting to know you’
  • 25 September – tbc
  • 30 October – tbc
  • 27 November – tbc
  • No meeting in December
  • 29 January 2025 – tbc
  • 26 February 2025 – tbc

If you would like to join the next block of newly diagnosed meeting please telephone the Helpline on 0300 0110 122 or email

Your PSPA Support Groups

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PSPA Youth Support Group

Support for young people aged eight to 30 years old

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