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PSPA Support Grants

PSPA support grants aim to help improve the quality of life for people who are living with or are affected by PSP & CBD.



The support grants can provide a one-off payment of up to £250 to help provide an item or service. Applications will be assessed on the impact the item or service identified, would have on the person living with PSP or CBD, or their carer.

Please note, funding is limited, therefore we can only provide a grant to each individual once a year.

Examples of items and services our support grant could fund include:

  • A communication aid
  • Respite care
  • A mobility aid
  • Counselling sessions

We can’t fund

  • Retrospective requests or services
  • Emergency healthcare needs
  • Funeral costs
  • Utility bills
  • Repayment of debt
  • Legal fees

How to apply

Please ask your health or social care professional involved in your care to complete the PSPA Support Grant application form and guidance fully, using the appendix. Incomplete application forms will result in the application being delayed whilst further information is requested. Please note we do not fund retrospective requests.

The completed application form should be returned to PSPA, 3rd Floor, Margaret Powell House, 415a Midsummer Boulevard, Milton Keynes, MK9 3BN or emailed to

We aim to process applications within five working days. Once a decision has been made, the applicant and the healthcare professional will be informed.

To find out more about our Support Grants, read personal stories below from three recipients.

Christine and Jim's story

The PSPA Support Grant provides benefits for both of us.”

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Michael's story

“You could see on her face how happy mum was to see her grandchildren for the first time since March.”

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Ela's story

Maintaining grandma’s quality of life is really important so the grant for clothing will really help.”

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Celia's story

Celia Newsham, who is living with a diagnosis of PSP, successfully applied for a PSPA Support Grant to help pay for a mobility scooter so she can get out and about in her village.

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