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Looking After Yourself

Caring for someone can be rewarding but it can also be very tiring, putting a lot of demand on your physical and emotional energy.

When you are simply coping day to day and responding to the needs of others, it’s easy to forget your own health needs and find the energy to look after yourself.

It is really important for a carer that you look after your own needs as well as the person you care for.

  • Eat well – a healthy balanced diet will keep your energy levels up
  • Stay fit – a little fresh air or exercise every day
  • Getting enough rest and relaxation – make time for breaks and try to pace yourself to conserve energy where possible
  • Have a break from your caring role – even a short break will make a difference. Our free online pamper sessions could help here
  • Let your GP know you are a carer. This can be recorded on your medical records. Some GP practices provide regular health checks for carers and have more flexibility when making an appointments.
  • Make contact with other carers in the same situation, you will soon discover you aren’t alone
  • If you are struggling to cope and feel low, or isolated, tell people how you feel, sometimes it is easier to offer solutions when you are looking from the outside in.

Support For You

We support families and unpaid carers through our helpline, carers support group, carers podcast and online forum.

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