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Study Days

PSP & CBD Study Days for Health and Social Care Professionals

Study Days for Health and Social Care Professionals

Each year, we host at least one Study Day to bring together health and social care professionals across the UK.

The Study Days provide a programme of speakers to give an overview of PSP & CBD as well as focus on specific areas and professions.

The days aim to enhance your knowledge of PSP & CBD as well as to provide opportunities for sharing best practice and asking colleagues questions.

Our Study Days are often online, but can be in-person events too.

2024 Study Days

Thank you to all the speakers and attendees who attended our Study Day in Stirling on 10 July.

Details of presentations will be available shortly.

We will be hosting two online Study Days later this year.

Sign up to our Health and Social Care Newsletter to learn more about these events when news is released. Email to subscribe.


2024 Stirling Study Day

Download presentations from our Study Day in Stirling on 10 July.

PSP & CBD  symptoms and management – Paula Hewart, Lead Parkinson’s Nurse Specialist, NHS Ayrshire and Arran

Physiotherapy Management of PSP & CBD – Helen Carten, Movement Disorder Physiotherapist, Ayr Atypical Parkinson’s Clinic

Speech and Swallow in PSP & CBD – Gillian Beaton Speech and Language Therapist lead,  Glasgow

PSPA Support and Services – Jules Brown Helpline Care Navigator Scotland

2023 Study Day

Watch the recording of the 2023 Study Day for healthcare professionals below:


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Contact the PSPA Helpline on:

Telephone: 0300 0110 122


Web: Interactive Resource

Regional Education Sessions

Regional PSP & CBD training sessions.

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Resources for Professionals

Free resources for health and social care professionals

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